Do Prepubertal Children Have a Sex Drive?

Posted on the 16 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Spoiler: Answer is no. Explained below.

As part of my clinical work, I deal with folks who are dealing with pedophilic, homicidal and other disturbing thoughts. I listen to and read about thoughts like this every single day. After a while, it doesn’t bother you anymore. A differential diagnosis is always mandated in such a case, and indeed, I did discover two actual pedophiles so far. And they both presented in precisely the same way, and that presentation was completely different from the nonpedophiles.

In the course of this work, I had to learn a lot about pedophiles. I went to anti-pedophile sites where they have dossiers on all the Net pedophiles they have outed. I even went to pedophile and hebephile bulletin boards, though  they are not as bad as you think. It’s all legal or at least no-worries gray area, and there’s as many pedophile-haters in those rooms as pedophiles. It’s not exactly a crime scene. But you can learn a tremendous amount about these folks by reading what they write on those boards.

One thing I noticed over and over was that pedophiles both heterosexual and homosexual insist that little children have strong sex drives and seek out sex with kids and other adults. That hit me as quite off, as you think  of little kids as being pretty sexless. As a boy, I think I thought about sex maybe five minutes out of a year, and girls were sort of yucky. They were even contagious. They had cooties, and you had to be very careful not to get infected. This illness was a serious problem at school and even for a while at home for quite some time.

I have no idea what it’s like to be a little girl, so I asked some girlfriends. I was absolutely stunned that little girls are capable of orgasm. If you go on the Net, you can see a lot of women’s boards where they are discussing this very thing, which they often accidentally found out by doing  things like riding the top of the couch like a horse. One woman said at age seven, she was riding the couch horse, and she really got into it at one point. That couch mare had some speed. Then an earthquake occurred and she almost fell off the couch. “Mommy! What was that?!” Mom came into the room,  the girl explained what happened and I guess Mom said, “Honey, come with me. We have to have a little talk here.”

Of course all of these women are pedophiles for discussing  their experiences, right? Please report them all to the police.

I knew some women who were molested at an early age. In some cases it went on for years. These girls became highly sexualized and I was told that some masturbated to orgasm from age 5-on. Just because it felt good. But they also all told me that they had no interest in sex with other humans. They all said that started up at age 13.

I don’t know much about little boys, but they cannot ejaculate until age 13 or so, so orgasm is probably out of the question.

The general impression I got was that little children simply do not have any real sex drive at all. Which is all to the better or course. We have enough on our hands with the teenagers!

And I can confirm that.


Prepubertal children simply do not experience sexual arousal and drives comparable to adolescents or adults.

Myers, By John E. B. The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Just as I suspected. By the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, and you would think they would know, right?

Yes, children do engage in sex play, and I hear about this stuff clinically all the time. Adults really need to butt out of this stuff. The kids should probably be told to knock it off, but involving law enforcement or even the therapeutic community seems like a terrible idea. They’re not child molesters for God’s sake! They’re children themselves! How on Earth could a child be a child molester? Nevertheless, this sex play is completely different from the sexual conduct engaged in by adolescents and adults. They do it for reasons, but not for the same reasons we do.

Kids are trying to figure out what they are, and childhood sex play is part of that.

Once again to our source:

Although we refer to these behaviors as sexual, it is important to note that the intentions and motivations for these behaviors may be unrelated to sexual gratification or drives as we adults understand them.

Myers, By John E. B. The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Well, of course. Little kids have no sex drive, so obviously they are not doing this stuff for the same reasons we adults are. Why are they doing this? Curiosity, discovering who they are, simple play, fooling around, no particular reason, etc.

Now despite the lack of a sex drive, some children do have sexual behavioral problems, and they do need some intervention. There’s normal childhood sex play, and there’s activity far beyond the norm. These are the outliers, and you need to call in professional help form the therapeutic community.

All this research led me to the conclusion that little kids have no sex drive at all, despite the fact that the pedophiles insist that they do. Well, guess what? The pedophiles are lying. Surprise, surprise. The pedophiles probably have their reasons for wanting to believe this. If we posit that children have full-blown sex drives like adults, then this suggests that children have sexual wants and needs, and the pedophiles are simply coming to the rescue and supplying these kids with what they need.

The pedophiles’ sex with the children then is fully justified, and if this were true, logically, children should probably be encouraged to have sex with the pedophiles to take care of their sexual desires and drives. This belief lets the pedophiles off the hook and makes their behavior seem not bad, but good. They’re not hurting kids, they’re helping kids. I am sure this is comforting for the pedophiles to use this defense mechanism, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.

This discovery happened to lead me on to my next quest. Well, if kids have no sex drive as I assumed, when exactly does the sex drive come on? I decided to research females because I only like females. Girls and women. They’re all great. God bless em all and thank you Lord for creating these creatures.

I know nothing about boys. Perhaps a gay man can go do that research for us.