Do Post Sex Manners Matter More To A Woman ?

By Alka Narula @narulaalka

Is it true that post sex manners matter more to a woman than it does to a man ? I put forth this questions in a discussion on iTimes and got an overwhelming response not that many  were vocal about it or came forward to share their experience  but it became a hot topic  but what really surprised me the most was , despite being a popular post  most of the comments were simply "yes" or "no". I strongly feel although , both fore and after play equally  contribute to art of love making but fore play is given much more importance than  the after play   is given and  post sex manners do matter more to a woman than it does to a man !
 According to Penny Slinger in their book "Sexual Secrets", Eastern philosophy has a poetic explanation for why men fall asleep faster than women. Woman is likened to water "slow to come to a boil and slow to cool down afterwards." Man is equated to fire, in that he is "quickly ignited and speedily extinguished."
#woman #relationships #sex

The fact post coital touch can lead to a satisfying relationship is ignored and rarely spoken about for people simply don't realize that intimate ambiance can continue after orgasm. 90% of my women friends have never had an after play ,not that they never wanted to have it but the man just rolled over and fell asleep , and the remaining 10% are the demanding women or probably got the right guys who understood the physiologic gender difference. Another factor affecting the after play is the timing of sex. If you usually have sex at night, your fatigue, in combination with the stimulation by the parasympathetic system that decreases the contractions of the heart, that reduces your energy level and causes deep feeling of relaxation especially for men . On the contrary a woman's body remains in that plateau for very long . After play is key to intimacy which leads to a stronger bond in a relationship but unfortunately ignored by most of us.Its important for one to understand sex is not all about performance but its creativity and this creativity can make sex am art that leaves a fragrance that can engulf a man and a woman for days together.The forms of after play cuddling and snuggling. , stroking of hair, massaging, and caressing just lying together, savouring the touch, sight, smell, and taste of each other can bring intense emotional satisfaction . Romantic, intimate conversation during after play can enhance the emotional aspects of sex and strengthen the bonds of the relationship. According to Kama Sutra, "When a woman is tired, she should place her forehead on that of her lover and should take rest, without disturbing the union of their sex organs. When she has rested herself, the man should turn around and begin to make love with her again. If lovers spend time playing and caressing each other at the end of their loving, then their ecstasy and confidence increase. Love-play enhances pleasure." A provoking thought yet as important as the sex is to our lives.