Do Not Disturb: How to Exercise Quietly at Home

Posted on the 23 August 2020 by Loup Dargent @loup_dargent

Woman practicing yoga (image via Pexels)

If you live in an apartment, you know how thin the walls and ceilings can be. The past few months have been a test of true patience for apartment dwellers dealing with the sounds of their neighbors as everyone has been cooped up inside under Covid-19 quarantine restrictions. One particularly noisy activity is exercising, which is hard to do quietly under the best of circumstances. With many gyms closed during the pandemic, people have moved their workouts to their apartments, much to the chagrin of their neighbors.
Of course, there are some forms of exercises that are low-impact and do not involve jumping jacks and burpees that can be heard two floors down. There are also ways of making a space more soundproof and using equipment to soften the noise of exercising. Even slight modifications to your at-home workout routine can make a big difference to your elderly neighbors. Here are some tried and true tips to get you through until gyms fully reopen.

Use a noise reducing mat

You can still exercise wearing comfortable sneakers without making a lot of noise. Instead of jumping around directly on your hardwood floors, set an exercise mat down and use that to cushion your movements and absorb the sound of impact. The thicker the mat, the better it will be for absorbing sound. If you are doing yoga or a low-impact exercise routine, you can opt for a thinner mat. A PVC or rubber exercise mat also serves to ease the pressure put on your joints from exercising on a hard surface. 

Swap machinery for simple gear

Loud machinery, like a treadmill, can be heard by neighbors. For the time being, swap it for simpler equipment that won’t make a sound. For an intense core workout, try an ab wheel to deliver a challenging, yet quiet workout. Instead of weights, use resistance bands that are lightweight and don’t make noise when they hit the ground like weights. You can work every part of the body, from your legs to arms, chest, and shoulders with a resistance band.

Use coated weights

If you must use regular weights, try using ones that have a polyurethane or rubber coating rather than exposed metal as these will be quieter when you set them down. You can also buy silencer pads to lay on the floor to soften the sound of the weights.

Do bodyweight exercises

Instead of kickboxing or cardio dance classes in your living room, opt for bodyweight exercises that can give you a full workout without the noise. Bodyweight exercises include crunches, lunges, planks, wall sits, and push-ups, among other exercises. They make for a great full body workout because you use your core and the rest of your body to maintain balance in each position. Start small with a few reps for each exercise and add more each day.
Show that you are a considerate tenant by making slight alterations to your normal workout classes and all of your neighbors will thank you for it. In addition to low impact indoor exercise, there are also plenty of outdoor options like running, biking, and swimming that can be done while socially distancing. Grab your athletic women’s and men’s sneakers and head out into the great outdoors -- you’ll be back at the gym soon enough.