Do Nanoparticles Threaten Sediment-dwelling Organisms?

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers


The loss of wild animals, more than half, is scary. Anything that might harm them should be studied before it is used.

Originally posted on Summit County Citizens Voice:

Carbon nanotube schematic, courtesy the Wikimedia Commons.

Scientists highlight the need for more research

Staff Report

FRISCO — As the use of nanomaterials increases, there’s a need to study how those particles change as they make their way through ecosystems, especially when they pass from water to sediment and then into sediment dwelling organisms.

The study by researchers with the University of Exeter highlight the risk that engineered nanoparticles released from masonry paint on exterior facades, and consumer products such as zinc oxide cream, could have on aquatic creatures.

Textiles, paint, sunscreen, cosmetics and food additives are all increasingly containing metal-based nanoparticles that are engineered, rather than found naturally.

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