Do Mums Know Best? Apparently Mine Does... #MumsKnowBest

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean

I was sent an email from Littlewoods about their current #MumsKnowBest campaign and as part of it, (in celebration) I would tell you all about my Mum and why she does actually know best.... but don't tell her I said that!
Normally I wouldn't really want to share too much about my family but over recent events I wanted to open up. I'm getting married at the end of this month which I'm sure you will agree it can be extremely stressful. I have cried and had more arguments with people than I could of ever imagined and that really isn't me at all. Sometimes the overwhelming issues with planning a wedding can almost make you go straight back to your comforts, mine in this situation has been my Mum and so I've decided to reflect on our relationship... 

My Mum. I love her to pieces which I'm sure all of you reading this love yours just as much, but my Mum is like wonderwoman (I kid you not) and I can only hope to aspire to be as strong minded and caring as she. She never stops. Quite honestly how she crams so much into her life is beyond me and yet still has to cope with three grown up children (I'm the baby)!

Back to the main part of this post, Littlewoods asked me to share a nostalgic moment or some reference to where I felt that my Mum knew best. Firstly I need to point out I'd never let my Mum know she is/was right even if she was, but I'll admit she has been right quite a few times... okay most of the time about things! 
There have been so many times and even though I'd share them all if I could, there is one that sticks out because I recall her telling me I'd regret it...

Dear Mum, 
I need to confess something to you.  You're far more fashion savvy than me. I know, I know I'm a blogger that writes about fashion and style... but you may not remember, but there was a time I was rather clueless about it all. As a blogger this is quite possibly my biggest sin ever and largest downfall. Remember when I bought a trouser skirt. Remember those?! Exactly. Mummy Bean, you told me they weren't fashionable the first time round and that'd I'd regret it, yet of course I HAD to have one! I got it in gray and maybe wore it 5 times? None the less that was 5 times too many and I'm now finally saying to you... you  knew best... and clearly had and still have better fashion sense! 
So style guru Mum who looks fabulous everyday... you know best!
Love you lots,Your Annie xx

Anyone else found that certain items you deemed as fashionable were in fact absolutely awful, and you wish you'd listened to your Mum? Or is that just me?! 
I'm very sure there are numerous other scenarios I could share but I felt that one was my most cringeworthy. Why I thought a trouser skirt was acceptable to wear at age 14 is beyond me. #MumsKnowBest apparently!
Thanks to Littlewoods for sharing your campaign with me today. It's come at a great time as my Mum has just swooped in to help me with a mini wedding crisis, thanks to her impeccable organisation it's all sorted now. Whatever would I do without her?! Love you Mum xx