Do It Like A Dude
By Sarahhhp
Burgundy Glasses Crew T-Shirt - TopshopBe Priv Carlton Sweatshirt - ASOSWhite Rihanna Denim Crew Tee - TopshopWhite Bill and Ted print T-Shirt - River IslandNew Love Club Cameras T-Shirt - ASOSTaxonomy Floral print Tee - Topshop
I've seen a few girls recently, wearing some amazing tees/sweatshirts that I've since spied in the men's section of Primark. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to buying an item of clothing just because it wasn't in the women's section - though if I'm honest, I've never really made an effort to look at men's clothes when I go into a store - not for any specific reason, it's just never crossed my mind. I thought it might be a nice idea therefore, to check out what's available out there and to share some of my favorite items. Could see myself wearing any one of these lovelies, in fact, the Carlton sweatshirt might just be the greatest thing I've ever seen! <3
Also, just quickly wanted to share my latest LOTD with you. Today Louise has chosen the topic of "video" and I've decided to pick this (hilarious to me, probably bizarre to most of you) video that my group of best friends from school made back in 2008. No doubt most of you will think they are a bunch of weirdos if you make the decision to watch this, but watching it never fails to make me laugh my socks off and also makes me realize what a special (if a little eccentric) bunch of guys they are. I loves them I do :)
Feel free to send me your favorite video links! I'll be impressed if you can "out-weird" my choice! Ooh P.S. Apologies for some of the naughty swear words in there - boys will be boys!