It’s Depeche Mode songs re-imagined in a hip hop framework!
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Take Bjork songs, remix them, and add solid rapping. Results = Awesome!
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Imagine a world where Fugazi was the backing band for The Wu-Tang Clan. Now open your ears, listen to this album, and find out exactly what that would sound like!
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What? You need more impetus than what I just provided? Seriously? All right then, here you go. All three of these projects can be downloaded for free. Yes that’s right. Free of charge. Gratis. No tengo dinero? No problemo! Point your web browser of choice to the sites listed above, click the appropriate links, and voila! Musical goodness is yours! Still not satisfied? You demand more in depth analysis? Okay.
Depeche Moe thus far has received the fewest listens. It’s quite good, fantastic actually, but I’m not that familiar with the music of Depeche Mode. Sure I’ve listened to a few of their big hit singles many times thanks to my adolescent-era radio exposure, but that isn’t even scratching the surface based on how much material that band has released over the years. To Headnodic and Rain’s credit, they shy away from sampling those megahits and instead rework songs I’d not heard before (with one notable exception). Moe Pope was a mystery to me before I listened to this mixtape. His status post-listen was quickly changed to great discovery. It is rare that I’m instantly blown away by a rapper’s lyrical flow, but Moe Pope bowled me over from the word go!
Megabjork is definitely my favorite of the three mixtapes. Admittedly, I knew deep down that this mixtape was going to be nothing short of amazing before listening to a second of the music. First of all, I’m a Bjork fan and the idea of hip hop adaptations of her songs seemed perfectly natural to me. Secondly, I knew based on past exposure to Headnodic’s production work that he was more than capable of creating seriously propulsive, funky soundscapes. Moe Pope’s excellent rhyming is the icing on the cake. A little research revealed that all of the rapping is lifted directly from Moe Pope and Headnodic’s 2008 album Megaphone. Well, chalk that one up as yet another album I should have known about before now. Until I can get a copy of that original album however, this superb mashup mixtape will more than suffice.
Wugazi is to my ears the most impressive mixtape of the three. I would never connect the musical dots between Fugazi and The Wu-Tang Clan. It just wouldn’t happen. Not in a million years. The fact that the combination works as well as it does is somewhat mind-blowing. The Fugazi elements completely transform the Wu-Tang raps they are matched up with. Amazing stuff! I’d like to offer massive props to both Cecil Otter and Swiss Andy for their work here. It’s one thing to simply copy and paste one piece of music onto another. It’s quite another to take the time to alter one composition to the point where it seamlessly molds itself into another song’s musical footprint. Honestly waveriders, Wugazi ranks in my mind as a must listen.