Do High School Results Reflect IQ?

Posted on the 24 April 2018 by Calvinthedog

Answered on Quora.

I do not think so.

Actually a better answer is that they often do but not always. High IQ people can get low grades and test scores but low IQ people cannot get high grades and test scores.

I have a genius level IQ (147 – anything over 140 qualifies as genius level), but my SAT score was only 1100. But I was a screw-off pot-smoking semi-juvenile delinquent. That’s not considered a particularly high score. There is a conversion where you can convert an SAT score to IQ. It’s probably correct for the high and very high scores, but maybe not as you descend downwards. For instance, my 1100 SAT score converts to a significantly lower IQ than 147.

I will tell you what though. Slow people (lower IQ people are de facto slower as IQ mostly tests raw brain speed) don’t get straight A’s. And straight A star students do not tend to have average IQ’s.