Dkos? dHamas? Whatever.

Posted on the 15 August 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives

You know I started calling dKos dHamas because of Kossacks' general support of that genocidal Jew hating group of terrorists lately. Well, forever, but even more so lately. I have also called the place an antisemitic swamp because, well, they are. I 've proved it, others here have proved it and lots of other people have proved it over the years.
Their latest foray into unabashed antisemitism comes with the news that Obama was refusing to transfer various arms because Israel had done some kind of end run. Naturally they are all thrilled that Obama has grown a backbone to stand up to Israel and that bad old Israel might run out of arms to kill innocent Palestinian babies, etc.
What really takes the cake though is their assertion that this proves that ZOG is REAL! Yep, that's what they say.
Excellent point MrJayTee. I hope we can all agree (66+ / 0-)
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by now that the accusation of "Zionist Owned Government" is a totally invalid basis for labeling someone to be ant-semitic and HR'ing them.
The invention and propagation of ZOG as a criteria or HR and Bans has been one of the most flagrant abuses of or moderation and TU system I've ever seen.
The recs show how many approve of that crap. But, it gets even worse. Seeing the opening, some loser gets almost as many recs dredging up that old right wing conspiracy stuff about the USS Liberty.
Well, Israel already has bombed the U.S. (64+ / 0-)
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DeminNewJ, SCFrog, leevank, corvo, kamarvt, Lepanto, StrayCat, OleHippieChick, a2nite, Smoh, CIndyCasella, mjd in florida, native, ChemBob, BYw, MGross, mkor7, emal, Imhotepsings, nuclear winter solstice, arlene, bygorry, RJDixon74135, MPociask, Front Toward Enemy, Sylv, goodpractice, martini, whenwego, Lefty Coaster, Bluefin, cherish0708, ybruti, sethtriggs, Timaeus, MrJayTee, white blitz, codairem, cslewis, shaharazade, Carol in San Antonio, tikkun, LVblue, businessdem, science nerd, Haningchadus14, Knucklehead, allenjo, AllanTBG, Eddie L, CTPatriot, JVolvo, SouthernLiberalinMD, happymisanthropy, Winston Sm1th, NXNW, outis2, chipmo, shopkeeper, minorityusa, pgm 01, WattleBreakfast, lenzy1000, schumann
But the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty didn't change a thing.

Obama: Pro-Pentagon, pro-Wall Street, pro-drilling, pro-fracking, pro-KXL, pro-surveillance. And the only person he prosecuted for the U.S. torture program is the man who revealed it. Clinton: More of the same. by expatjourno on Thu Aug 14, 2014 at 03:41:24 AM PDT

And so the antisemitism just keeps on a comin' at old dHamas.