DIY Wall Decals

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
I've been wishing for ages now for a machine that can cut all my paper flower petals so I don't have to spend hours doing it and it turns out, it exists! Silhouette, a company that makes such machine, approached me to see if I would want one in exchange for writing about them on this here blog and for the sake of saving my poor hands from hours of strenuous scissor cutting, I thought I'd give it a go. I've since learned that there are a few on the market (like Cricut) and I think I'll try them all out to see what works the best for me, but for now I'm trying out the Silhouette Cameo, which allows you to make a design, or use some of their pre-designed functions, and then cut it out on the machine. Sounds magical right? And, they're having a major Black Friday sale (see info at bottom of post).
I decided to make some wall decals for more door as my inaugural project in honor of Melissa Esplin's beautiful calligraphic decals she makes all over her house (have you seen her work? She's beyond talented. I LOVE this "no solicitors" sign she made). I knew I couldn't get to her level right away so I started with a simple monogram for my door. After the joy of making a J I then got really fancy and made some holiday spirit and added a "joy." then I thought I'd get really really fancy and make a new number display for our mailbox (don't worry, it's a fake one I'm showing if!). Think of all the possibilities you can make with this thing?! Melissa does a monthly project with hers. Check them out here.And in the spirit of product placement, here's how easy it is. You just put on this gold foil sticky paper onto the mat, insert it, and the machine does all the work. Seriously, this thing is pure pixie dust.
And let's give a hand to my boxwood wreath, $10 from Trader Joe's. You know my love for TJs. Oh, you don't? Here's what my blog used to be about. Cringe. (PS--Why isn't there one in PROVO?!)
 And yes, we had a snowstorm yesterday. I'm in complete denial. I don't want to talk about it.
And this wouldn't be a sponsored post without a little love thrown back at you. Silhouette is having a major Black Friday sale until December 8th and you can get up to 40% off their Cameo or Portrait products with the special code for Lars readers: LARS So you can make decals for your own home. Fun, huh?!
And check out this video to see what type of machine would be right for you.
photography by Trisha Zemp