DIY: Spiked Leather Gloves

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hiya loves,
How are you all doing lovelies? Hope your weekend was great and of course you can drop a hint of what you did.
My weekend started of great and fulfilling on Saturday with my Morning  mountain running and chilling out all afternoon.
Sunday wasn't that great since I suffered and still is battling with an annoying migraine, so no outfit post this weekend.
Don't fret though I got to share with you my little DIY project, if you follow me on Facebook you will know I had my little DIY moment last week.
 I was thrilled by watching this trend on so many celeb/fashion Icons. I wanted to have one for myself after seeing the Balmain ones on Beyonce, so I ordered the spikes from Ebay , the leather gloves I already have from last year while I was in Italy, but never had the reason to wear them here in Greece.
What you will need:  

1. The gloves
2. Spikes, you can get really cheap ones on Ebay
3. A big safety pin to make very small holes for the spikes.
Process and result: 
Use the safety pin to make holes where you wish to place your spikes and place as many as you wishes and in any array you like.
I wanted mine to be like this and I did not want to place them on all the surfaces of the glove and there you go.

 So what do you think?will you try this DIY and are you really "buying into the spike and studs trends?
I am totally into this trend and will try to DIY something else with the spikes or even maybe studs.
Till next post dearies, thank you for reading and take care.