DIY: Project Ottoman - Shabby Chic Style

By Aworldfullofprettiness
As you all know I love a bit of interior design. I can spend many hours wandering around home accessory shops and dreaming of what I would buy if money grew on trees.
Unfortunately money doesn't grown on trees so I am always considering cheaper alternative ways to achieve certain styles. I was recently offered almost a full set of oak bedroom furniture for a snippet of the price, so I snapped it up and have been working on and off certain items for the last few weeks.
We lack storage in our house, so my clothes are forever draped everywhere, so one of the first things I got to work on was this ottoman.
Although some people love wooden furniture, at the minute it's not really my taste, so I instantly gave this a lick of white satin paint because I adore white shabby chic-esque furniture. My original plans for the lid was to pad it out and cover it with Cath Kidston style material and turn it into a little seat as well. Those plans went out the window, partially due to laziness and the hassle of it all, and partially because of the cost and all the extra items I would have had to purchase. I opted for a cheaper option and purchased a roll of this gorgeous shabby chic style wallpaper which I found in B&M for £7.99. I was originally going to paper it with just wrapping paper (because I've seen so many pretty ones!) but soon figured this may be a little too thin.
I used wallpaper paste for the adhesive (I did think I'd have problems with it sticking to wood, but thankfully it stuck like a dream).

I'm happy with the overall look and can't wait to crack on with my next project!
Hmmm, now what to store in it!
Kate x