Diy – Party Invitations

By Aiapaperdoll @aiapaperdoll

I’m having a game night this coming Saturday and I sent out invitations last week. The were so simple and easy to make I thought I would share them with you in a DIY Post. The theme of my party is “Mustache & Monopoly”; we’re going to be playing Monopoly while wearing mustaches and dining on deliciousness. Pretty corny but so much fun.

1. Supplies: beautiful paper(at least 2 colors), scissors or x-acto knife, double stick tape/glue, Envelopes, Printer for your design (not shown)

2. Plan Your Design: First you need to figure out your theme and how many people you want to invite. The cover of your invite will be slightly larger than the information side (mine is 4 1/2″ x 6″).  The back of your invite, the information side will be smaller and a different color paper (mine is 4″x 5 3/4″).  If you use my size invitations; 2 can fit per page-depending on printer settings, the cover page will be printed on card stock while the party information will be printed on regular paper stock. Print extra’s incase you mess up or miscounted.
3. Cutting: Now that you invitation is designed and printed, use the scissors or X-acto knife to cut the invites out.  You should have a set of the front and a set of the back.
4. Taping, Glueing & Sticking: Use the double sided tape or glue on the opposite side of back of the invite an center that on the back of the cover. You can also use glue, but that tends to be very messy so be very careful.
5. Make Sure There’s Enough: Now that you are done putting everything together, just make sure you have enough invitations for each person.  If not you still have the extras you printed out just in case this happened.
6. A Special Touch: Since the theme of my party was “Mustaches & Monopoly”; I sent a mustache within my invitation so that the party goers can where it during the festivities.  Adding something cute to your invitation is always great and makes it special.

Have Fun Making Your Invitations