DIY Or BUY: 5 Inspiring Projects for the Boho Bride

By Jax

While I would in no way call myself a bohemian fashionista, I do love the romance and free spirit of the boho bride. Layers of lace and free flowing hair, this modern day hippie is taking the wedding world by storm.

Want to add a touch of boho to your big day? Here are 5 projects to get your party started. Simply click on the link to learn how. Enjoy!

Lace Tambourines

D I Y . L A C E . T A M B O U R I N E // H O N E S T L Y . W T F

These gorgeous tambourines would certainly add a great vibe to a wedding (and they sure beat clapping) and could also double nicely as a sweet musical favour. Now raise your arms in the air and be freeeeee.

BUY - 5 mini Lace Tambourines

Jewellery Trays

D I Y . J E W E L L E R Y . T R A Y S // J E N N I F E R . R I Z Z O

If you are a bit of a garage sale fanatic you will come across these unique wooden bowls everywhere. Why not make some unique jewellery tray gifts for your BM's or pimp out some bigger versions as table decoration! See for this Oyster Shell jewellery - or BUY here.

D I Y . M A C R A M E . H A N G I N G // G R E E N . W E D D I N G . S H O E S D I Y . T E E . P E E // G O L D . F E A T H E R S D I Y . F E A T H E R . C H A N D E L I E R // L I S A . L E O N A R D . B L O G

Macrame Hanging

My mama was the master of Macrame back in the day so I think it is about time I tried my hand at it! If you had the patience you could go all out and make a large photo backdrop for your big day (I said if!) - see 37 Inspiring Macrame Wedding Ideas for all the inspo you need.

Who wouldn't want to climb inside this sweet DIY Tee Pee! Easy to make with any fabric you please (you could even use lace net curtains for an ultra boho effect) this is a fab idea for guests big and small!

This image does not have a tutorial of sorts but with a little imagination a.k.a trial and error, it would be pretty damn simple to make. I would strip a lampshade frame back and decorate to your heart's content.

I'm also obsessed with this one you can Buy.

Happy crafting beautiful people xox