DIY: Morrocan Lanterns

By Sapphiresandsaffron
Lanterns are a great detail to incorporate in any of your wedding functions, but they can also be quite expensive when you need more than a few of them. And you can't really make an actual morrocan lantern with out specializing in metals and glass and having a serious talent for putting it all together. But, I did find a DIY lantern project that is pretty creative on Design Sponge. They might not have the intricate metal design or cuts, but they definitely do have a spark.
  • old glass jars (spaghetti jars, jam jars or any plain glass jar will work)
  • gold dimensional puff paint
  • glass paint (Delta or Pebeo Vitrea glass paint are great options)
  • paintbrush
  • wire (optional, for hanging lanterns)
1. Remove labels and any glue residue from the glass jars and allow them to dry completely.
2. Apply the gold dimensional paint in various patterns. You can use the applicator tip to create small stud-like dots, draw various decorative patterns or push around the paint to create solid areas of gold. Let dry.

3. Pour a small amount of glass paint inside the jar and use your paintbrush to drag the paint up the sides of the jar, coating all of the jar’s interior. Let dry.

4. Your lanterns are now ready to enjoy indoors or out! Simply fill them with candles or add loops of fine-gauge wire to the tops for easy hanging.

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