DIY Marchesa Inspired Gown

By Dreamcreate @THEdreamcreate

(two original gowns by Marchesa that inspired me)

Go big or go home right?

I’ve been playing with lace and applique for some time now and I had the idea to make lace applique tops that could be worn with different skirts to create different looks.

My first attempt was inspired by the incredible Marchesa, and was fairly easy to make!

Tools needed:
- sewing machine
- needle,thread & scissors
- stretchy flesh coloured mesh fabric
- lace
- a maxi skirt or full length dress (found mine at a vintage store)

1. Find a t-shirt that fits you perfectly and use it as a pattern. Lay the mesh on top of your shirt and cut along the edges with about 1/2 an inch extra for your seam. Do front and back and you should have the makings of a mesh top.

2. With a sewing machine, run along the two sides and the tops of the shoulders where the two pieces attach. The fabric doesn’t fray so you can leave the  neck, arm holes and bottom un-finished. Trim excess material and uneven edges with your scissors.3. With your scissors start cutting out pieces of lace from your material. This is the fun part! You’ll start finding shapes and patterns in the lace that can be arranged to create beautiful results.

4. Start laying out your patterns on the mesh top until you are happy with the look. I find the most intriguing lace patterns almost mimic the body’s skeletal system. I think it makes lace appear less frilly and more earthy without being macabre, so I was thinking about that while I arranged my lace.

5. Once you have your lace arranged, use your needle and thread and start securing the lace to the mesh. To secure the lace I used a running stitch and a secure & finish stitch.  This took me about an hour to finish. 

6.For the bottom the gown I found a long chiffon dress at a vintage store. I didn’t want to completely cut off the bust of the dress so I simply folded the top under. You can secure the fold with a few secure stitches if you need it, but mine stayed in place perfectly.
I love the way the two pieces fit together so well and were so easy to make, the possibilities are endless! Thank you to the lovely Ricki for modeling my creation, by the ocean, in January, in Canada, and looking so gorgeous!

