DIY “Love is Love” Valentine’s Day Sign

By Thedreamery

The sweet holiday of Valentine’s Day is quickly around the corner, and with it comes lots of pretty flowers, cute heart shaped cookies and sentimental messages all about love. Over the summer our nation endured yet another disaster fueled by hate, and I was moved by Lin Manuel Miranda’s speech after the Orlando attack about love. His message, that Love is Love is Love is Love…no matter how it looks, love will always win and can’t be broken. His words have stuck with me since, that I created this print, which I have hanging above my desk and even recreated it for several clients. So it’s obviously become the perfect message for Valentine’s day, a holiday all about love!

When it comes to Valentine’s day decor, I find that most of it can be a bit cheesy and often prefer simple touches rather than obvious red hearts and X’s and O’s. Our front door was needing something special this year, and since the words “Love is Love” have sort of become my mantra, I decided to turn some extra wooden hearts into a sweet door Valentine. And it’s not only perfect to decorate on the day we celebrate love, it makes a beautiful touch for a wedding too!

You’ll Need

  • Wood Hearts {about  11″ – I got mine here}
  • Chalk or Regular Craft Paint, in the color of your choice
  • Foam Brush
  • Pencil & Gold Paint Pen
  • Scissors
  • Silk or Fabric Ribbon {about 20″}
  • Hot Glue Gun

Paint the back and front of your wooden heart, allowing each side to dry completely before moving onto the other. Allow to dry at least an hour before moving onto the next steps. Using the gold paint pen, carefully paint the edges around the heart. Then lightly sketch “Love is Love” with a pencil in your desired font. I chose to do a classic and simple calligraphy that is similar to my handwriting.

For a rustic touch, lightly sand several spots to remove the paint just slightly. Then follow the sketched words with the gold paint pen. I did two coats for a brighter metallic, then make each letter’s downstroke thicker to mimic traditional calligraphy. Allow the gold paint pen to dry and set at least 30 minutes.

On the back, make two marks 2 1/2″ from the side edge and top. These marks will be the center of your ribbon. Place a strip of hot glue, the same width of your ribbon, on top of one of the marks, gently place one end of the ribbon atop and press with your finger to adhere.

Repeat with the other end of the ribbon, making sure it isn’t twisted and lays flat. Finish my securing the ribbon with more hot glue. Allow to dry completely. And how easy is that?! This sign is simple and sweet, just how Valentine’s Day should be. It’s totally customizable with your favorite colors, message, and even ribbon, which you can choose to tie into a bow too.

Every time I open the door it makes me smile, and hope it does the same for the mail person and others who spot it as they walk by.

I really love this sweet piece, because it really does make such a pretty and easy DIY sign to incorporate on your wedding day too!

What is your Valentine’s Day style, sweet and simple, or over the top red hearts and flowers? However you spread love, let’s remember to do more of it!