DIY Living Wall with Air Plants

By Sowanddipity @Sowanddipity

DIY Living Wall with Air Plants

There are some stunning examples floating around the internet of gorgeous living walls. They range in size from the side’s of buildings to mounted picture frames and are everything from edible gardens to works of art.

As lovely as these can be, they can also be quite costly and a little challenging for people with brown thumbs. So I came up with a budget friendly, no fail, mini version that anyone can do.

First you need to gather your materials. A simple wooden box, old serving tray or picture frame will work for this project. Colored moss is available at most Garden Centre’s or florist supply shops but if you can only find the green moss that will work fine too.

The beauty of this mini DIY Living Wall is it uses air plants. They come in all sorts of colors and sizes with many price ranges to suit your budget. Unlike living walls that require soil and regular watering, this project allows you to pull out your air plants, plunk them into a bowl of lukewarm water for a few hours and they stick them right back in. No mess, no fuss.

The rest of your materials can be found in your back yard or on a nature walk. I happen to have a very mossy woody area behind my house so I managed to find bark on old rotting trees. Make sure you don’t strip a live tree of its bark, he needs his skin too.

Simply start hot gluing your little treasures into the frame placing clumps of your moss into a couple of corners to form little pockets.

Then stick your air plants into your moss pockets and your done! You have just made a mini DIY Living Wall that you can hang or place anywhere in your home or office. Kids will love this project too because there is no wrong way to do it.

Want a quick tip for hanging your project? Use a pop can tab and a little screw like I did on the back of this old cupboard door for my Recycled Rooster Junk Art.

Hope this fun tutorial inspires you to create your own easy mini DIY Living Wall. Be sure to share your projects on my Facebook page!

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Peace Love Garden


Shelley Levis