DIY: July 4th Inspired Cutoffs

By G J @myfavesjournal

Want to show off your patriotic spirit?
Make these American flag-inspired cutoffs.

To get this look, you’ll need fabric dye (like Rit Dye), star patches (or star studs), needle and thread. We also recommend starting with a pair of white cutoffs, which will make the whole dying process easier.

To begin, mix up some red dye in a bucket. Dip the top third of your cutoffs into the dye, and keep it in the dye until it reaches the hue you like. Next, mix a batch of blue dye in a bucket, and dip the bottom third of your shorts into the dye. After you have finished dying your shorts, rinse them in cold water, and let them air dry.

Now, it’s time to add the patches. You can pick up a variety of patches at craft stores or online. Most will require you to sew them on, which you can do with a needle and thread. You can also search for some star shaped studs instead of patches.

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Sources: Courtesy of  Nicole Farin &  Atavia Rochille, Beauty Riot, Rantings of a recessionista

Filed under: DIY