By Xotanja @xotanja
Hello my loves This will be a quick personal post, but people who love DIY as much as I do, STICK AROUND! Read my next post which will be a HEALTH product related post!*I'm so sorry I've been slacking a bit on the blog posts, but I've been so wrapped up in wedding planning these past few days! We finally spoke to the lady who will be doing our flower arrangements :) So happy about that! Marko & I decided we'll be doing our own invitations! The theme will be purple with beige, perhaps even some dark red undertones. Lots of sparkles, ribbons, beautiful silky-feeling paper. I can hardly contain myself from excitement! We discussed a lot with the flower lady, who is wonderful, and we decided we'll be doing our own WEDDING FAVORS, too!My fiance & I aren't very squeaky-clean & traditional. In fact, we like being edgy. The minute my fiance walks into a club, he practically dies inside. Techno music + Marko = No, no. He was such a little punker-metal kid! Long hair, rock concerts & his red converse. His red converse were his trademark when we first started dating. When I had to go back to NYC, and he stayed here...I missed him immensely, it tore me to pieces! Every time I saw someone walking by wearing red converse, I would miss him even more. They reminded me of him so much!We thought it would be best to just be ourselves! Some people will find it strange, but it doesn't matter! Just DO YOU! We decided since we're wearing CONVERSE on our wedding day, his regular red ones & my beige ones, we'd try to do a similar theme with our wedding favors! Here's what we came up with!MULTI-COLORED CONVERSE SHOE KEYCHAINS!




FUN & CREATIVE WEDDING FAVOR!Multi-colored converse keychains stuffed with beautiful smelling dried lavender & tied with purple ribbons! 
I'm not at liberty to say where we ordered from, but we got a KILLER DEAL with the converse keychains! $2 bucks a piece!!!As for the lavender, there is so much growing around in the forest, we can't wait to run around & pick a bunch to dry! We'll stuff the keychains with the dried lavender, and tie purple ribbons on the shoe laces! Perhaps I'll even add a drop or two of lavender oil for an intense scent! I'll make sure to post pictures once we start making them, I placed my order already. SO excited!!!What do you guys think of my DIY wedding favor idea :) ? Share some of your ideas, I'm always open to suggestion! Stay beautiful -Tanja xoxo