DIY Invisible Book Shelves in 4 Clear and Easy Steps

By Peppertan

If you are into books, you’ll probably like the idea of invisible shelves. It is a very smart and elegant way to arrange your books without wooden or metal shelves taking up all the available space. It looks very beautiful and organised and a bit… well… odd. But this is only because the books seem to be floating in the air. Your guests will surely wonder how you managed to convince your books to sit that way. And when they find the truth, they will probably burst out laughing.

The only disadvantage of invisible book shelves is that you are going to have to sacrifice one book. Take a look below to see how you can make your own invisible bookshelf at home in these four simple steps.

Materials you are going to need:

  • Drill
  • Book (make sure you choose one that you don’t intend reading again)
  • L-shaped metal wall brace (needs to be as long as the book or shorter; if it is longer, it will be way visible)
  • Screws
  • Stud finder

Step 1: Measurements

The book that you choose will be supporting the other books. In fact it is going to be playing the role of a shelf. Thus, it has to be a book that you no longer need. Also, it is a wise idea to choose a larger and thicker book so that it is able to support the other books. Use a hardcover.

Now that you have a spare book, open its cover and find the halfway point using the tape measure. Then make a mark. Place the L-shaped wall brace onto the page and line it with the marks you drew.

Step 2: Cutting

Now cut notches into the book. They will serve to stick the L-shaped brace to the book. Use a knife to cut the pages going along the outline of the bracket. Remove the paper that you cut. Next, grab the brace and place it into the notch. The vertical bar of the brace should be pointing towards the front cover.

After that cut a notch into the book one more time, this time in the top edge.

Step 3: Screwing

Drill holes in the book through the holes on the brace. Then screw the brace to the book. To avoid pages from falling apart, drill two more holes at both ends of the book. Now insert screws to secure the pages. Next, add some glue to the back cover and close the book.

With this done, make sure you place something heavy on the book to let the glue dry completely. You can use a stack of books, for example. Wait overnight. Do not cheat. Be sure to let the book sit for at least eight hours before you start using it as a shelf. Else, the glue may not manage to stick well and you will have to repeat the process again.

Step 4: Attaching the shelf

Now take the stud finder and search the wall for a stud. Drill some holes. It’s time to screw the L-shaped brace into the wall. Use screws to secure the shelf.

Your shelve is ready to use. Now you can add some books to it. As the L-shaped brace will be visible, you can hide it behind a large book.

That’s it. Have fun with your invisible bookshelves!

Author Bio: July Minor loves to write for home improvement and DIY. As a manager of Deluxe flat cleaners she sees a lot of new places and has great ideas to share.