DIY: Heart-shaped Paper Clips

By Emmerey Rose Sarona @EmmereyRose
One lazy blogger here folks! lol I'm not really in the mood to blog right now (blame Miami for winning over Spurs hahaha!joke! ). I already scheduled my posts and I bet, you'll be able to read nonsense in them hehhe, just quite though. Anyway, in times like these drafted posts are really in so much use. I can publish them automatically if ever I'm emptied.

So here's a really quick DIY which has been rotting in my draft folder for quite a long time. lol Something really simple but cute, fun and useful for this back to school event!

You will only need paper clips that you want to revamp. That's it.

And then tadaaaa!!!! You're done! as easy as that!
Easy and fun to make! definitely useful for school papers, work and stuff. Hope you like it!
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