DIY Hair Mask: Egg Whites, Honey + Coconut Oil

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

We’ve talked before about using cooking supplies like Apple Cider Vinegar and coconut oil or things out of the refrigerator, like beer to help with maintaining healthy hair. MKB DIY Hair Mask

Last night I made myself a quick and easy hair mask with egg whites, honey and olive oil. The amount you use for each is relative to your hair. I’ve seen recipes suggesting the egg whites from 2 eggs, a tablespoon of honey and one of olive oil but for me there is no way that is enough to thoroughly saturate my hair. Create your mask and coat your hair. Cover with a shower cap and sit for 30 minutes or so.
IMAG8587 My concoction was runny so I was a mess of sticky by the time I was ready to shampoo! Rinse, shampoo and condition like normal.
These three ingredients give a great boost to hair. All three help condition, strengthen and add shine to hair. I used coconut oil but also included the benefits of Olive oil below.

Benefits of Eggs:
Conditioning your hair with eggs enhances hair growth because eggs contain lots of protein. Hair is Eggs composed of 70 percent keratin protein, so egg protein helps rebuild damaged hair by filling in weakened spots along the hair strand, which temporarily strengthens the hair. Eggs contain a large amount of protein–ranging from 3.6 to 6.5 g per egg–which makes egg conditioning an intense protein treatment. Including egg conditioning in your hair regimen can help you maintain strong hair, which is essential for growth.

Egg Yolks vs Egg Whites:
An egg yolk treatment is intended for individuals with dry or damaged hair because it infuses hair with moisture. Egg whites, on the other hand, remove excess oils from the hair. Those with normal hair types can use the whole egg for their hair treatment, while those who have oily hair should use a treatment consisting solely of egg whites.

Benefits of Olive Oil:
Olive oil is good for conditioning and dandruff control, according to The Olive Source. It is made up of monounsaturated fatty acids with strong antioxidants, and vitamins A and E, which help moisturize and repair skin and hair.

Types of Olive Oil:
Olive oil is available in many different grades and prices. Extra virgin olive oil is considered the highest quality and a good choice for condiments and beauty products. It is the least processed and comes from the first pressing of the olives. This oil is high in antioxidants and bitter to the taste. Virgin olive oil is from the second pressing, and pure oil undergoes some filtering and refining. Extra light olive oil is filtered further, leaving a much lighter flavor.

Benefits of Honey:
Honey is a humectant; it attracts and holds moisture, explains the National Honey Board. This makes it a good choice for damaged or dry hair. It also has antimicrobial properties that make it an effective cleanser, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Amsterdam and published in the March 2010 issue of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology journal. Honey was shown to be effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria.

Types of Honey:
Honey is also available in varying grades and sources. The color and flavor depend on the source of the bee’s nectar or blossoms used to make the honey. They are usually not processed and will be different shades of amber. Choose a pure honey for your hair treatment.

Benefits of Coconut Oil:
The effects of coconut oil on prevention of hair damage were studied in 1999 at the Research and Development Department, Nature Care Division, Marico Industries Ltd., Mumbai, India. The study found that even on chemically damaged hair, coconut oil provided a lubricating film and penetrated water into the hair, preventing the lifting of the surface cuticle and its breaking by the force of a comb. The same institution published a 2003 study entitled “Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage.” This study found that of all three oils, coconut oil was the only oil found to “reduce the protein loss remarkably for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product.” The results were believed to be caused by the presence of lauric acid, a fatty acid found in human breast milk, which “has a high affinity for hair proteins and, because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, is able to penetrate inside the hair shaft.”

Types of Coconut Oil:
For coconut oil hair treatments, buy pure, organic, virgin coconut oil at a health food store. Virgin coconut oil is produced from raw coconut meat. The resulting product has a fresh smell and is colorless. Coconut oil is in a solid buttery form at room temperature and melts to a clear liquid around 77 degrees F. There’s no need to heat the oil before use; simply rub it between your hands to melt.

Protein and Hair:
Protein is essential for every organ in your body. It is particularly involved in healthy hair. Keratinocytes are responsible for making keratin, a type of protein essential to hair growth. If you do not take in enough in your diet, hair loss can occur or hair can become dull and brittle. Loss of protein due to various hair care products or even medical conditions will lead to damaged hair. Protein also affects hair texture. According to a study published in the “Journal of Investigative Dermatology” in February 2011, IGF-binding protein 5 affects whether hair is curly or straight, so even the shape of your hair is protein-based.

Here are a few DIY Hair Masks to try: Widgets