*D.I.Y Guest Post : Trends With Benefits Hair Bow*

By Dottydolly @jadearchibald1

We thought, seeing as we are doing a DIY for Dotty Dolly, we should do something that is cute and pretty! We've made a floral bow hair pin, that is SO easy and quick to make. This would also be great to make for christmas or birthday presents. If you give it a go, send us a tweet and tell us how you got on at @TrendsWB.

Love Kendall, Em and Kate. X

Step 1: You will need material, scissors, a grip, a pen, a ruler, pins, and sewing machine/needle and thread.Step 2: Depending on how big you want your bow to be, cut two pieces of material that are exactly the same size. Remember to cut them about 2cm bigger than the size you actually want the bow to be (this is for your seam allowance).Step 3: With right sides together pin the two pieces of material together.Step 4: With a sewing machine, or needle and thread, sew all the way around all four sides.Step 5: In one piece of the material cut a slit in the middle, about 4cm long.Step 6: Pull the rest of the material through the cut you have just made so the material is now all the right way round. This can get a bit fiddly, if you are struggling to get your fingers around it try using a pen to poke it through.Step 7: Cut a thin piece of material. This will go around the middle of the material to make the bow shape. Fold the sides of the strip of material to the back so it is nice and neat on the front. Step 8: Pinch your square piece of material at the middle so it resembles a bow shape.Step 9: Wrap your strip of material around the middle and sew together at the back. Cut any excess material at the back off. Step 10: Stick your bow to a kirby grip using a glue gun, or just thread it onto a grip. 
I hope you enjoyed this everyone! A massive thank you to the lovely girlies at Trends with Benefits for such an amazing post! I'm off to try and make one myself! ;) (Wish me luck) xxx