DIY: Glitterific Sunglasses!

By Suma @ThFabJunkie

Hey Loves, 
It's been awhile since I've posted a DIY Project on here since I started my YouTube Channel BUT I have a pretty GLITTERIFIC one today! I had so much fun putting together this project. I love projects that are simple and fun for all ages. With just a few items from the craft store and an old or cheap pair of sunglasses- you have a project for anytime of the year!
Moving on..................................................................
Sunglasses are a must have all year round for me. I seriously can't take the slightest shine of the sun. I mean, it does give your coolness factor a boosts when you are rocking funky glasses. At least in my opinion. I own so many different pairs of sunnies too. I have my "go to" pair of Ray Ban Wafers which are a MUST. Even though I own those, I still tend to buy random pairs when I go shopping. I guess I like options?
Ready for this fun project? Get your craft area ready and covered and let's begin! At the end of this post I will also link my DIY YouTube Video to this project! So don't worry if you need an actual visual.  
What You Will Need
  • Sunglasses (I got mine last year for about $4)
  • Glitter (I found mine at Michael's Craft)
  • Sponge Brush for Application
  • Mod Podge (any kind of finish) 
Starting with a clean covered surface, you are going to want to concentrate on the sides of the sunglasses. I used a Sponge brush to apply the Mod Podge. 

After applying the Mod Podge on both sides, you will now sprinkle your glitter of choice! Then, let it sit for about 10 minutes.

Last step is to add another coat of Mod Podge to the glasses to seal in the glitter. I mean, who wants glitter everywhere? 

Let that sit for about 12-24 hours before doing anything with it. After you shake off the glitter and notice none of it is falling off, you are GOOD to GO!
Check out the Finished Product! What do you think? Pretty glitterific? Isn't it?

Here's my YouTube Video for EXTRA help! 
Thanks for DIY-ing with me! Until next time......