DIY Envelope Liners to Go Ga-ga Over by Blue Ink Studios

By Jax


I have always gone a little cray cray over envelope liners. Often overlooked, these gorgeous extras add a huge amount of impact to your wedding stationery (and that oooh arrrr surprise factor when you open the envelope) . When I stumbled across the WHOLE collection (yes below are only some of the designs) from Blue Ink Studios I wen’t a little ga-ga, and at less than $15 NZD for a template one might say they are a freaken bargain!

Sizes Include: A9 (for 5.5 x 8.5 printed cards) // A7 (5 x 7 printed cards) // A6 (for 6.25 x 4.625 cards) // A2 (for 4.25 x 5.5 cards) // 6.5″ square (for square cards 6.25 and under) // 5.75 square (for square cards 5.5 and under)

You can print it off on your home computer, or take it to your local print shop, like Warehouse Stationery, to be printed. Sweetbix no? Happy crafting beautiful people xox


Black Ink Studio - Printable Wedding Envelope Liners
