DIY Eco Friendly Valentines (Repurposed Paper Towel and Toilet Tissue Rolls)

By Peaceloveorganicmom
My daughter and I decided to make her class Valentines this year out of recycled or repurposed items. We used paper towel and toilet tissue rolls, scrap pieces of pink and red paper, and finger-paints. It was so much fun to make these and more eco-friendly than buying the pre-made Valentine's cards at the store!
Materials Needed
Paper Towel or Toilet Tissue Rolls (collect as many as you need for your child's size class)
Red and Pink Paints
Glue Stick
Candy/Treats (to fill rolls)
Cut Paper Towel Rolls in thirds or toilet tissue rolls in half (or to your size preference). Paint rolls with red paint. I found rolling them in paint worked better than using a brush as the paint was more evenly applied. Once rolls have thoroughly dried, dip finger in pink paint and add polk-dots to rolls. Next, cut out circles in red paper to the size of the roll's hole. Then cut pink circles out slightly larger than the red circles and use glue stick to attach to one another. Apply glue to the rim of the roll and firmly attach to the red and pink paper base (allow several minutes to dry).
Cut out hearts in pink and red paper and then place tape on either side of the back of the hearts. Fill rolls with whatever treats you choose (we used chocolate kisses because they fit nicely) and place heart lid on top.