DIY Du Jour: Chic Homegoods from Everyday Household Items

By Francoisetmoi

I love projects where people have gone all MacGyver on boring materials in their house and have turned them into something genius for la maison that I'd seriously pay good money for. If you're looking for DIY inspiration for the weekend, you might want to check out one of these projects as you probably won't need to go far for materials!

DIY du Jour: Chic Homegoods from Everyday Household Items

Moroccan Wedding Blanket Pillow Created with Two Napkins

Giant Macrame Pendant Light Made with Rope Hanging Light Made with a Wire Basket Magnetic Poster Rails from Wood Strips + Magnets

DIY du Jour: Chic Homegoods from Everyday Household ItemsTurn Everyday Items into Stunning Pieces for the Home

DIY du Jour: Chic Homegoods from Everyday Household Items

I'm Erin Francois, and creating a Handmade Modern Home is my labor of love. Join in on the styling session!

DIY du Jour: Chic Homegoods from Everyday Household Items

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