DIY Collar Tutorial - The Clothes Maiden

By Jess_kemp @JessicaJKemp
I hope everyone is well! It's Friday YAYYY. What are you all upto this weekend? I'm hopefully going to the olympics tomorrow. I'm going to look for some tickets tonight *finger's crossed*. I think it will be great to get involved in this once in a life time opportunity. Great Britain are doing so well and it's times like this that make us even more so proud to be British!
Apart from currently interning at Lulu Guinness, i'm also doing the social media for the lovely stylist Ihunna. Her work is amazing and she regularly works in music videos and with celebs. Her website is here if you wanted to take a little look. It's great for inspiration. I'm looking forward to attending lots of events and shows to blog about and show you all.
The latest edition of a magazine called The Clothes Maiden has also just come out. I was lucky enough to be involved in the mag and it was really fun doing a little piece for them. It's a really simple fashion tutorial that anyone can do with just an old shirt. The mag is great and features artists, photographers, illustrators and models. Here's the magazine for you to have a look at: I'm on page 67!

Open publication - Free publishing

Let me know what you think or if you try it out, it's so so simple, and a really effective way to make use of an old shirt. 

Thought I would end with this: How funny is this Karl Largerfeld doll. It was thought to be inspired by My Little Pony... YA THINK?!

Let me know what you think about my two little pages of the mag as a whole. I think its great!
Stay Cute,