DIY Coffee Table Ideas

By Peppertan

We enjoy a good cup of coffee, even if it’s hot in the Philippines. Got steel pipes lying around? Why not start a DIY coffee table project? It’s a great way to spend your free time, and you can turn either second hand items, or construction materials into something useful!

In this DIY article, all the materials used can be found at yard sales, thrift stores, or around your home!

  1. Recycled metal trash bin


This DIY coffee table-slash-sort of-nightstand looks easy enough to make, right? All you’re going to need is an unused metal trash bin and some paint. Turn it over, and voila!

  1. Up-cycled Window


How about that? Nail some legs onto that window, paint it a complementing color, and there you go, a coffee table! It can also double as storage space, which is great for small houses. Be careful not to get any paint on the glass, though!

  1. Wine Crate Coffee Table


Wooden crates will make great tables. For this DIY project, you’re going to have to arrange the crates in such a way that you’ll also get a table that doubles as storage space for books, or any other items you can store in the living room. Secure those crates together, brush some varnish over them, and you’ve got your vintage chic wine crate coffee table.

  1. Wooden Planks Coffee Table


For this coffee table, you’ll need several 2×4 boards of wood, some cut smaller for the support underneath, and hairpin legs. Offset the boards by a few inches before you screw them all securely together with the hairpin legs. Seal it with some polyurethane, and you’re good to go! You can also stain the wood if you want to, but the photo above does not have stained wood. It depends on how your table looks in your space, and if the table complements your design. Don’t forget to sand them down! They’re going to be rough if you don’t.

  1. Reuse old wooden doors

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This coffee table is going to need a big door, if you want to do something like the picture above. The table in the photo used a five paneled door cut in three pieces. The smaller pieces of the door were secured to the bigger one, then some new pieces of wood (or old, if you keep some old ones around), were attached to the bottom to create a shelf. You can either use wheels (like the above), or little nubs of wood for feet, whichever you prefer, to finish off your creation.

It doesn’t take too much, maybe some carpentry skills an adult supervision, to create these beautiful DIY pieces of furniture. Not only will you be able to go greener and save the earth in your own way by creating something of higher quality from discarded materials, but you’ll be able to spruce up your living space with them!

Author’s Biography

Pam De Guzman, a.k.a the kid from the North, is a frustrated writer, event organizer, business owner and an aspiring director and writer of a personal/fashion/movie/book/travel blog. She’ll be writing about pretty much anything under the sun.