Diy Baroque Bracelet

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

I’m in a baroque state of mind at the moment, I’m like a magpie with anything gold or burgundy.

So in light of this obsession I have I thought I’d do 3 weeks of gold and baroque inspired howto’s starting with my DIY baroque bracelet, plaited with velvet and chain. I feel that the plait is underestimated, there’s so much you can do with it by just changing up the materials and it’s such an easy braid.

I bought my materials in a little haberdashery in Paris called La Droguerie, full of lots of little beads cords leather etc, I just feel like a kid in a candy shop every time I walk inside.

The how to…

1. Materials : Velvet cord, gold chain, a closure of some sort (I used a toggle), 2 cord holders for the ends, 2-3 loops, super glue, pliers and a safety-pin.

2. For an easy way to plat and keep things taught, pin the cord and chain to a cushion.

3.Plait it.4.Super glue in areas at the back of the bracelet to avoid slipping.

5. Using the pliers squeeze the closure shut. (If you want to be extra sure add a bit of super glue here too.)6. Using the loops, attach the closure or some chain if you need the extra length.

Volià, hope this inspired you!