Diwali Flapjack – Nut Ladoo Bar

By Tejal Hewitt @Tejal_x

Another totally made up recipe which actually turned out yummy.

I’ve tried to come up with a Diwali Indo flapjack twist! Using traditional ingredients such as cashews, gram flour, butter and sugar with a oaty nutty twist by adding in peanut butter, golden syrup and hazelnuts.

Not to forget a nice thick layer of white chocolate!

100g Oats
150g Ground Cashews
50g Ground Hazelnuts
70g Gram Flour ( Besam Flour)
125g Golden Syrup
100g Chunky Peanut butter
75g Butter
140g Brown raw sugar
50g Honey
300g White Chocolate cake covering
Sprinkles or decorations

Add oats, cashews, hazelnuts and gram flour to a bowl

Add honey, golden syrup, butter, sugar and peanut butter into a pan.

Melt over medium heat until all combined.

Pour the heat butter mixture into the dry mixture

Stir until mixed well.

Press down into a lined baking tray and bake for 25 minutes at 170c

Allow to cool slightly and start to melt the white chocolate.

Spread the white chocolate over the base

Add some sprinkles or decorations

Allow to completely cool and set.

Slice into smaller pieces


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