Diversify Or Centralize?

By Ian_delapena
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, and I see it something good for me as it encourages me to read and write more.
Here are some of the things that I noticed that makes me keep on reading these articles online.
Teleporting I really admire writers who take their readers to a roller coaster ride and takes them into where their stories are. I first experienced this kind of writing with John Grisham's "The Lawyer", a lot of people say that it is actually nothing compared to his other works. But the point is, I am not a person who's reading is on his most enjoyed hobbies' list so for a person to put me into a page turning experience is something else.
The blog Transcendental Tourist ( http://ajpoliquit.wordpress.com ) is a good example of this. Every time I read his posts, It feels like I am traveling with him. It lets you experience an array of emotions that you would feel as if you are the one who's experiencing what is written. 
Good VisualOne of the bloggers who I really admire most is Marky Ramone Go of www.nomadicexperiences.com when it comes to visuals. I like the way how items are presented to his audience. How everything is organize putting everything that you need to know right at your sight.

from www.nomadicexperiences.com

I remember reading Steve Krug's book "Don't Make Me Think" that discusses how websites should be presented. It says that your audience must not need to think how to use it, they should know where to find what they need and how to use a site with just a single look.
Easy to DigestI like reading articles that can be easily understood. It is important that you connect to your readers. You can only make them come back and read more if you don't make things complicated for them. 
That is my first impression of Aleah Phils of www.SolitaryWanderer.com's style of writing. No Jargons, No old english type of wordings and no need to consult Mr. Webster to understand her posts.

from www.solitarywanderer.com

Stunning Photos
Of course for someone who has ADD like me, an article that has a good photo is a must. This keeps me glued to the screen and focused.
Well aside from keeping us with ADD on finishing reading an article, A good photograph provides readers a visual of what the writer experienced and takes the reader's imagination to another level.

from www.ambot-ah.com

A good example of this is www.Ambot-ah.com a blogger who's photographs I admire as most of the time you only need to look at his photos and you'll feel that you think you already know the story.
Straight to the point and No non-sense
I often read about things that would help me on my travels and I like blogs that offer a lot of information and does not beat-around-the-bush.

from www.pinaytraveljunkie.com

Gay Mitra of www.PinayTravelJunkie.com is a blogger mom that writes just the way I like it when I need helpful information. I like the fact that I can find information like how to get a visa, where not to spend your money without any fuzz.
They are just some of the blogs that I regulary read (click on the Pinoy Travel Bloggers link beside the Home link above for my complete reading list) that I admire and that continually inspires me in so many different ways.
So the question in my mind now is, should I create a dedicated blog so that my site would be more focused? I'm leaning more on maintaining what I have now. I thought that traveling is a part of my life and this blog is journal of my journey through this inexplicably mysterious life. Also, I have difficulty in focusing on things so I can't actually afford to maintain so many blogs because they would just be left unattended and lost in the end.
So maybe my answer for now is Centralize, I'm keeping an open mind though.....