"Fleurs trouvée" oil on cnavas by Kerry Steele
I feel like I have been in a bit of a slump when it comes to painting lately. This painting above sat behind my easel for several weeks because I painted what I call a lost canvas. My mother insisted that I keep painting. I think I was able to salvage it. The only reason I bothered was that I had three canvases that were looking pretty awful to me and I didn't want to screw up another so it was kind of a "nothing to lose, everything to gain" painting session.I have to be really careful about the opinions of other people. Its hard to ignore praise and even harder to ignore criticism. I am really comfortable with failure as part of the process but others are not. Its so dangerous (to creativity) to embrace praise for something that you feel is not your best work. Then there are the people that mean well but don't get it and say things like "I see an elephant" to your latest abstract. I have to put those things in another compartment of my brain so to speak so that it does not inform my painting. I am hoping for a productive summer. I am really liking the little paintings on paper lately and have been tempted to keep a few.
"The seventh dream" oil on canvas by Kerry Steele
I refuse to show you the figure painting that ended up looking like Brenda Starr. I am humble but not stupid.