Disney Pulls Out of National Harbor Deal

By Ceemac126 @PGCBlogging

Everyone’s out shopping but Disney has closed its purse and withdrawn their plans to build at the National Harbor.  What a shame.  It would have been a great fit despite the comments from the haters at the news site linked below.  Disney purchased 11 acres at National Harbor in 2009 with plans to build a 500 room family oriented resort hotel.  Now their official word is that the timing of the project “just isn’t right.”  The reader comments to the story are so nasty.  “Would you start a business in P.G. County,” one commentor asks.  This county has to be rebranded by its citizens.  If you’re reading this, take the time to comment at the site linked below.  Stand up for your county and get the truth out there.
Disney, I’m disappointed in you.