Disney On Ice

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Saturday was a big day for us! Zach and I bought tickets to bring Lily to see Disney On Ice. I actually went to one show when I was pretty little and Zach remembers seeing one when he was small as well. Being a parent, we wanted to keep fun traditions of what we did when we were little with our toddler so what a perfect way to start our morning.
We invited some friends to come along too because what's cuter than 2 sassy toddlers jumping and dancing together as they watch their favorite Disney characters ice skate around?! Lily had SUCH a great time! We weren't sure how she was going to feel being in a large dark room but she was glued to the ice rink and shouting when she saw her favorite princess's come on! Even Zach and I had a great time singing along. Plus, Lily was able to taste her first ever few pieces of cotton candy! I'm pretty sure she would have eaten the entire bag if we let her. #SugarHigh
We took her to an early show so we could get her home, have lunch and take a nap. We don't mess with nap time since this girl can still get cranky if she doesn't get at least an hour ;) Girlfriend, I'm right there with you! I may have taken a few snoozes myself. All in all, it was a great event with lots of singing, dancing and creating fond memories with our sweet girl. If you have the chance to see Disney On Ice in your hometown, I would go! You'll love it!