Resources needed:- makingthe list ofcatering dishes most requested on the market
-Availability to purchase adeliveryvehicle
-A siteto promotethe service andto take orders
-A very goodpromotionthroughbusiness cards,flyers,presentation site
-Dishwasher(in care you have large number of orders)
Advantages:-you can obtain a passive income
-Marketpricesare high
- Depending on thepromotion, theinvested money can be recoveredquickly
-Storage andtaking orderscan be doneat home
Disadvantages:-initially, theinvestment maybehigh, as you will have to focus onacquiringqualitydishes
-Therental process should have some sort of guarantee or a reimbursing method, in case your product gets damaged
Conclusions: Althoughthe investment isquite high,this can be donegradually.With aneffectivepromotion, youcanmake arapid return on the initial investment