Dish Rental

Posted on the 06 January 2012 by Bgdn_adrian
Description:This serviceconsists ofrenting all objectsneeded in catering (dishes) to people organizing various events.Amongthe objectsthat canbe rentedin thisservice you can includeplatesof different sizes,bowls, forks, spoons, knives, glasses for different types of drinks, platters, coffee cups,etc... Pricesmay be basedon the number of pieces/ on the product,packageor event.
Resources needed:- makingthe list ofcatering dishes most requested on the market
   -Availability to purchase adeliveryvehicle
   -A siteto promotethe service andto take orders
   -A very goodpromotionthroughbusiness cards,flyers,presentation site
   -Dishwasher(in care you have large number of orders)

Advantages:-you can obtain a passive income
   -Marketpricesare high
   - Depending on thepromotion, theinvested money can be recoveredquickly
   -Storage andtaking orderscan be doneat home
Disadvantages:-initially, theinvestment maybehigh, as you will have to focus onacquiringqualitydishes
   -Therental process should have some sort of guarantee or a reimbursing method, in case your product gets damaged
Conclusions: Althoughthe investment isquite high,this can be donegradually.With aneffectivepromotion, youcanmake arapid return on the initial investment