Disease and Pest Control in Hydroponic Gardening – The Mandatory Checklist

By Kravelv

Having a garden of your own is pure bliss – you grow your own things, and take care of them without really taking help from someone. It also gives you an opportunity to invest your free time in something that you can find interesting. For many, gardening is a regular hobby which also plays a vital role in enhancing the look of your house area;but even this gets simpler with hydroponic system of gardening. Let us have an insight on the hydroponic system of gardening and Disease and Pest Control  methods explained below :

Hydroponic system of gardening involves no soil and the fruits and veggies are grown only with the help of water and air. The growth conditions of the plants are checked based on which the atmosphere for the plant is set and the growth is monitored.

Ensuring that all conditions are in the right balance means the best growth of the plant, but one thing that needs to be monitored time and again is disease and pest control during hydroponic gardening system.

If you’re wondering how you will understand the key factors that you need to follow for disease and pest control during the entire process, then you just need to take a look down below and find the mandatory checklist.

Has the hydroponic system been designed well?

Are there aspects of the design that could be putting the crop under unnecessary stress? (E.g. Mixing tank is too small for a recirculating system, poor oxygenation of the nutrient solution, NFT gullies are too long, nutrient solution strength is too high, and seedlings are being over watered).

Is the greenhouse & greenhouse environment well designed?

Is there sufficient air movement, ventilation, humidification or shading? All of these aspects can put a crop under unnecessary stress if they are not properly controlled.

Have you chosen a good quality seed which is suitable for your climate?

Modern seed breeding has allowed various types of vegetables to outperform varieties which were available only a few years prior. Many varieties are now bred to be resistant to a wide range of insects and are adapted to harsher climates. Growers are encouraged to talk to their local seed representative for samples of the latest varieties and experiment with them.

Are there weeds inside or outside of the greenhouse which could be hosting insect pests?

Quite often if weeds are not properly controlled in the vicinity of the greenhouse they will attract a wide range of pests which will then move inside the greenhouse area and affect the crop.

Has the crop been properly maintained?

Excessive vegetative growth or old plant material that has not been pruned can limit air movement and become a breeding ground for insect pests or fungal spores. This is particularly important for tomato crops.

Excessive vegetation can also limit the penetration and coverage of sprays when they are used.

With these five points marked on your checklist and properly taking care of each detail it is easier to control diseases and pests in your hydroponic garden.

Until then Happy Gardening!

For pest control supplies , simply visit : https://www.hyjo.co.uk/pest-control.html