“Discussing the Soul of America”

Posted on the 11 April 2016 by Ingrafted @dfiningnarrativ

“Discussing the Soul of America”

This has been the tagline of my blog ever since I first published the title article, “Defining the Narrative” in 2010.

In that first work I discussed the secularization and subsequent spiritual retardation of American culture. By pushing Judeo-Christian ideology to the margins of society, the Bible is removed as the basis for ethics, laws, and morals.

Secularization has made possible Pluralism, which basically says that no ideology, philosophy or faith belief system is of higher social value than any other. All are equal and must not only be tolerated, but embraced. This is the last great virtue of a secular society. Tolerance.  (Which actually is not tolerant of Biblical based principles.)  Tolerance is the politically correct means by which values are exsponged from the minds of apathetic  or emotion driven uneducated populations with no historical moorings.

“By attempting to embrace everything, you can hold onto nothing.”

This is where history finds us, America. Amidst a culture which cannot define itself, lacking a foundation to stand upon, and floating aimlessly in a sea of political correctness fed by the river of pluralism. We don’t know our own narrative.  Could this be the reason that no one in the media, academia, or government can say definitively that America is in a fight for survival? Is it possible that this 40 year drunken binge on “pluralism” has inhibited our ability to see the enemy when he is standing before us, smiling that sinister grin with one hand extended and the other holding a sword?

For the last several years many have been working to restore confidence in the founding Principals of the American nation whose beginnings are unquestionably rooted in the desire of people under tyrannical rule who found oppression in their quest to freely worship the God of the Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Author of the Holy Bible, and Redeemer of Mankind, according to the dictates of their own conscience.

The necessity for this endeavor is made by attempts to defame the American Founders, their motives, and to mislead, confuse, and dishearten modern Americans, drawing into question our very purpose as a people, and eventually disenfranchise today’s patriots and American Christians of all stripes. It is, in effect, an attack against the very foundations of our beloved Country.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams

“Fundamentally transforming the United States of America” is not a Barack Obama original thought. It is in line though, with Mrs. Obama’s statement that “we are going to have to change our traditions, change our history”.  These people are simply the blossom on the weed of Progressivism, which sprouted at the turn of the 20th Century.  While America has a plethora of problems, politically, morally, and spiritually, the fundamentals are not among them.

Once was the time when America’s virtue was the dominate governing quality of her
people and that virtue, according to the Founders, their contemporaries, and observers such as Alexis D’ Tocqueville, was the direct result of an overwhelming and inherent belief in a Creator God who was Supreme Judge of nations and individuals, and as such, every person was accountable for his/her own actions, which not only resulted in self-government, but was the very framework upon which the Founding Fathers hung the Constitution. The Judeo-Christian ethic, as taught by the Bible, was not only the impetus for the idea that “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”, but was considered as absolutely necessary to maintain a free and civil society.

Progressivism, brought into the main arteries of modern culture of America by Saul Alinsky (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are both disciples), is a barely more subtle approach to raw Communism, and has its roots in Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, and Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Illuminati, which was the seed of Communism). The strategy to accomplish this is expedited by drawing into question the character of the American Founders and their motives, demoralizing modern Americans and leaving them feeling betrayed by their heroes, believing they have been misled by their parents, teachers, and institutions.

Progressivism, while claiming the high moral ground, takes advantage of the human condition, (the fallen nature of Mankind) and focuses entirely on the faults of those they oppose, justifying their own lusts and proclivities, while passing judgment on their enemies. The Founders, above most, if not all their succcessors theretofore, were fully aware of this condition and placed their highest priority on keeping government from interfering with the vital task of imparting virtue, and spiritual accountability to Almighty God, to every generation of American, namely through the Judeo-Christian scriptures- the Bible.

Upon this cornerstone rests the entirety of American culture and virtue, and subsequently, the success of the “experiment” of self-government. In that the Founders were also human, there are indeed some fair points of concern. As the reader is full aware, wherever you find men, you will find sin. God’s perfect governmental structure is a Theocratic Kingdom, and He, and He alone, the Perfect King. “All else is ashes and dust”, as the saying goes, and subject to the failures of man and his sinful tendencies. This premise can hardly be refuted. However, until that “Blessed Hope” descends and establishes His perfect Kingdom, Man in his fallen state is relegated to his best feeble attempts to establish civil government, an institution established by God Himself, to avoid disorder and chaos, where the natural man’s own desires are his only conscience.

Until America’s beginnings, there were no kingdoms, nations, or states where men were free to worship accordingly, without dictate from the government which god or creed was the prescribed or acceptable form of worship, and yet still held full and equitable citizenship.

The United States of America was the culmination of all human government attempted to that point. It sought to avoid “theocratic rule” for that specific reason, understanding the corrupt nature of men who would seek positions of power within the “theocracy” and dictate according to their own “god” or creed. Theocracy run by men results in the likes of the Holy Roman Empire, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Church of England where the King was the Divine Sovereign, from which the Founders were warily seeking to separate. The point can easily be made that this is the glaring reason there is no mention of God in the Constitution.

The self-evident truths outlined in the Declaration of Independance, (the first official document of the United States) among others, are that, “all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”   

The Bible itself actually teaches that all are created equal, “neither Jew, nor Greek, male or female” and that “Thou shalt not murder”, because the other person has a right to life. Liberty, to choose one’s own destiny; no one is forced into Heaven or Hell, or a certain class or status of life. “Go to the ant thou sluggard” and see that even he makes preparation for the future. Men are free to worship God and be blessed, or not. “Thou shalt not steal” – you don’t have a right to take my property, and I do not have a right to take yours. These truths are indeed self-evident and easily find Biblical foundation.

It is this purely American ideal; Liberty to both choose, and pursue, one’s own destiny, employing one’s own God given talents and abilities for the betterment and support of a good and virtuous society, as well as one’s own interests, which has served to motivate and inspire generations of Americans to preserve these values for future generations, lest they ill remember those poor and selfish stewards who lost them.

Fellow Americans, it has fallen to us, in these latter times, to step to the battle lines and engage. We stand at the precipice in a confused and polarized attitude while our children and our grandchildren look to us for leadership, stability, discipline, and courage. Can we imagine this world without an America? It is not simply for our own progeny’s sake, but for the sake of the entire earth that we must revive and restore the spirit of those forbearers, lest the hope of freedom be dashed, for all, upon the jagged stones of tyranny, or smothered under the low stagnant, choking, clouds of apathy and indifference. Christ is the ultimate “Blessed Hope” for Mankind. And because He is, America has been the temporal hope, a haven, a place of escape to, for peoples around the World.

The Pilgrims embarked upon an impossible mission of hope; to establish a society under the Authority of Christ where they could worship the Creator freely. They separated from the State Church of England (thus the label “Separatists”-these were not the “Puritans” who shortly followed) and endeavored to establish a “great hope, for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world” Upon landing at Plymouth (Cape Cod) they established the foundation of future civil government for all (for there were among them those who were “uncommitted to church fellowship”, but were loyal subjects to the Crown for civil/social order) in America by signing together the Mayflower Compact:

“In the Name of God…Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.” 11 November, 1620

By 1636 the recently arrived Puritans established a school desiring to educate young men for the ministry, and in 1638 that school became Harvard College among whose Rules and Precepts was found,

Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, John 17:3, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of him Prov. 2, 3.” And “Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day…

Upon this foundation was built the framework of a moral and civil society based upon the Gospel of Christ, and His teachings, resulting in, and sustaining that “moral and religious people” which John Adams would later write, upon whom rested the success of Constitutional self -government.

The Constitution therefore, was designed to hang upon that framework, whose foundation was the Bible itself. As Adams so succinctly stated, this Constitution is “wholly inadequate to the government of any other” people. The People must be grounded upon a Biblical worldview, wherein they recognize that each is accountable to the Supreme Judge for their own actions.  Herein lies the answer as to why the Constitution is no longer adhered to, neither is it adequate.  Americans are no longer “a moral and religious people”.

The Constitution has not failed us; we have failed the Constitution. And in failing that Constituion we have failed not only the Founding Fathers, but God Himself.  That which He had entrusted to us has been spurned, ridiculed, and squandered.  A reprobate people cannot, and will not, self govern.

Can America be saved?  That is question of our time.  The answer is this: Not without Christ.  Any attempts otherwise are going to result in such tyranny as has been felt in the rest of the world for centuries.

“Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history… We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.” -A. Lincoln

If we are not successful in preserving this American Ideal, then: “…government of the People, by the People, and for the People…” [shall indeed] “perish from the Earth.”
-Abraham Lincoln