Discovering Erica Stacey with Cherish the Dress™

By Claire

Stum­bling across excit­ing new design­ers and breath­tak­ing pho­tog­ra­phy is one of the best bits of being a wed­ding blog­ger. Erica Stacey is a bridal designer in Man­ches­ter whose first bridal­wear col­lec­tion was launched ear­lier this year. Erica’s inspi­ra­tion comes from Art Deco, and her gowns are all made in the UK. Her wed­ding dresses are sim­ply out of this world.

This is a col­lec­tion I know you’ll adore. Beau­ti­ful bridal­wear, beau­ti­fully pho­tographed by Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy. Chris is the cre­ator of Cher­ish the Dress™, the exclu­sive fash­ion shoot where you are the model and your wed­ding dress is the star.

What bet­ter way to show­case such a fab­u­lous bridal­wear col­lec­tion than a Cher­ish the Dress™ shoot at the Man­ches­ter Hilton. Chris Han­ley is a mas­ter crafts­man with light­ing, a pho­tog­ra­pher with an eye for true beauty in pho­tog­ra­phy and design.

Erica Stacey sources the most beau­ti­ful fab­rics from around the world to cre­ate her dis­tinc­tive and time­lessly ele­gant bridal gowns. Del­i­cate lace, flo­ral pat­terns, soft silks — these gowns are bound to make any bride feel on top of her world — they’re wed­ding dresses you’ll truly cher­ish and enjoy.

About Cher­ish the Dress™

Cher­ish the Dress™ is an exclu­sive fash­ion shoot where you are the model and your dress is the star. Your whole pho­to­shoot will be a delight and you will shine wear­ing your beau­ti­ful dress. There is, if you wish, room for pas­sion too; the per­fect oppor­tu­nity to have pic­tures of ten­der­ness with your man.

The post-wedding expe­ri­ence of a life­time, with the orig­i­na­tor and cre­ator of this exclu­sive genre of photography

With absolutely no weather wor­ries, you will begin your cre­ative jour­ney sip­ping cham­pagne, whilst being pam­pered with pro­fes­sional make up and hair styling. Your pro pho­to­shoot takes place in the award win­ning con­tem­po­rary inte­rior design of the Man­ches­ter Hilton and starts with an ele­va­tor ride to the bar in the sky “Cloud 23”. Over­look­ing the breath tak­ing city sky­line, you will feel beau­ti­ful, sophis­ti­cated and ele­gant as we cre­ate mas­ter­piece fine art pic­tures. Your Cher­ish the Dress expe­ri­ence will be a mem­o­rable one giv­ing you the oppor­tu­nity to own an out­stand­ing pic­ture col­lec­tion that will be enjoyed by you, your chil­dren and future gen­er­a­tions of your fam­ily.

Find out more and get in touch with Erica Stacey

Erica Stacey wed­ding dresses are designed and hand­made in Eng­land. Erica’s first col­lec­tion was launched at The Wed­ding Show, Tat­ton Park in Cheshire, in Jan­u­ary 2012. Her designs are truly beau­ti­ful and I’m sure we’ll be see­ing a lot more of Erica Stacey on wed­ding blogs over the months and years to come.


Cher­ish the Dress fur­ther information

Cher­ish the Dress is by Chris Han­ley, the orig­i­na­tor and cre­ator of this genre of pho­tog­ra­phy.