Discover the Joy of Parenthood Through Adoption

By Momatlast @momatlast

Parenthood is a special gift needed, desired and prayed but not endowed to all loving married couples all over the world. Some are blessed with a number of children, but there are still countless husbands and wives dying to try every possible means to have a child in order to experience the true beauty, meaning and joy of becoming parents. As the couples get older, their chances of having their own children will become painfully lesser, and not to forget the excruciating emotional and psychological stress that the whole process of waiting will cause them.

Nowadays, thousands of childless couples opt to adopt a child. Why not? Well, consider it God’s way of wrapping the gift of parenthood for you. It is a blessing given not in the way you wanted, but still very special. Adoption is a unique way of fulfilling your dreams to become parents. It is a meaningful way of raising, nurturing, loving, and changing the life of one child by embracing the responsibility to help and support the child through physical, social, emotional, and mental growth and development.

If you would consider adoption, whether through a private organization or a state agency, you must have an overview of how the entire process works. Since adoption requires permanent transfers of all rights and responsibilities from the biological parents, you should have, at least, an idea of the governing laws, which may vary by state.

The advantages and disadvantages of agency adoptions and private adoptions:

1. Agency Adoptions - There are private and public agencies designed to help people like you. The advantage of tapping the services from these agencies is that since they are government-based, supervised and administered, you can ensure a less expensive journey through adoption. On the contrary, you will have to endure long and complex application process and other intricate related procedures.

2. Private or Independent Adoptions – If you didn’t want the agency’s involvement, adopt your child through this means. Well-organized, fast and clean, private or independent adoptions are suitable if you had enough money. But you also have to check on your legal counsel because there are states that do not allow adoption through this means.

A court’s approval would complete the adoption process. This means that you, as the adoptive parents, are going to file a petition and go through adoption hearings. Only after the court would give its final decision your adoption will be deemed absolute and legal.

To have a better and in-depth understanding on the legal adoption procedures, it would be advisable to see an attorney for advice. At least, when you consult an adoption attorney, you will be enlightened as to your rights and obligations as the adoptive parents. Your knowledge will become your Legal Shield that will protect you from whatever possible complication you will go through the entire process, and maybe after you succeeded as well.

About the Author

Brandon Peters is an entrepreneur, writer and outdoor enthusiast. He loves to travel and writes just about anything under the sun.