Discover Something Fun! Scene Setter Wedding Props and Signs

By Claire

But now it’s time for some­thing new, and just maybe it’s the turn of the Big Sign. Some­thing flashy and extrav­a­gant, a big fea­ture you can buy online or make at home. Scene Set­ter cer­tainly think so — the image above is their ‘Swept sequin love’ sign. As I type this blog post it’s “com­ing soon” to their web­site at

So will you be hav­ing a Big Sign at your wed­ding? Is this some­thing we’ll see more and more cou­ples* mak­ing at home? Is your favorite wed­ding prop going to be some­thing com­pletely different?

*or will dads around the coun­try have an inter­est­ing task on their hands this year?!

My thanks to Scene Set­ter for shar­ing and giv­ing per­mis­sion for me to use this image!