Discover How to Properly Install a Wireless Tracking Device

Posted on the 27 April 2016 by Easytracgps @EasyTracGPS

Properly installing a wireless tracking device is crucial to its performance in the field. A poor install can result in a device that is so unreliable it can be a hindrance to effective surveillance. But, with so many different vehicle makes and models, especially imports, a good install can be easier said than done. So, how can law enforcement and investigators work to stack the odds in their favor and ensure reliable covert device installation on the first attempt?

For starters, there are no guarantees when attempting to install magnetic wireless tracking devices. There are simply too many variables for any guarantees. However, there are fundamentals that can be practiced to increase the chances of a quality install.

Make sure you begin with a device that is designed specifically for covert GPS tracking. For example, do not attempt to use a device that is designed and programmed for long-term remote asset tracking and expect it to produce the results you're hoping for. It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. The devices might look somewhat similar but their programming will be drastically different. It's an apples and oranges comparison.

Most wireless tracking devices are magnetic slap and track units that are attached to the vehicle undercarriage. The GPS signals that the device receives from the satellites actually bounce off the pavement and ricochet up toward the device. That's a challenging environment for a tracking device to function in, so make sure the device is top-of-the-line! Generally speaking, try and position the device approximately 3-6 inches behind either rear tire. Bumpers can sometimes produce reliable results but, it can be hit and miss. Metal, especially metal moving parts, interferes with GPS signals, so do your best to ensure the device is as clear of obstructions as possible. Try to give it some breathing room.

Your tracking system should also be available on most mobile devices. Any legitimate system is. Most turnkey systems will also detail GPS signal quality. This is crucial, so pay close attention to this piece of information! It might be necessary to ping the device to get a reading first but, a weak GPS signal is an good indicator of poor device placement. Verify the signal quality on your mobile device while you are still on site. Do not leave before you at least have a decent signal. This might be your only opportunity to install the device!

After a reliable location has been identified on the undercarriage, and the device has been attached, ping it a few more times before you leave. This will ensure that the device is communicating properly. If possible, you should prepare in advance by attempting a dry run! Hunt for the same make a model vehicle at local car dealerships, and examine the undercarriage before heading out in the field for the actual install.

It's also important to know that most newer imports have sealed undercarriages. Finding a flat metal surface for a magnetic enclosure will be difficult, if not impossible. It might be necessary to remove the tracking device and external battery pack from the magnetic enclosure, and find a more appropriate means of attaching the device. Don't forget that whichever alternative you choose must be resistant to weather and the elements. Neoprene pouches are a popular choice.

Wireless tracking devices can be an effective vehicle surveillance tool if deployed properly, and with some forethought. Planning ahead and doing some homework can make all the difference in the world.

Source: EasyTracGPS

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