Discover China at Donnybrook Fair Cookery School

By Thedublindiary @TheDublinDiary
I'd promised myself at the beginning of the year that I'd do something for the Chinese New Year so when the opportunity to attend a Chinese cookery demonstration came my way I jumped at the chance! The Cookery School at Donnybrook Fair was the venue for Julie O'Neill and Robert Jacobs demonstration and while Julie talked us through the ins and outs of Chinese food Robert whipped up the dishes.

Discover China at Donnybrook Fair Cookery School

Crispy Chilli Beef

We tried five dishes in all and started with Crispy Chilli Beef. This dish was so simple to make that I was actually embarrassed that I've never tried to make Chinese food before! I've always been put off by the long list of exotic ingredients but when they are all explained so well by Julie and prepared so easily by Robert it's not that intimidating. This was a really robust and delicious dish.

Discover China at Donnybrook Fair Cookery School

Hunan Steamed Fish in the Bamboo Steamer.

Another favorite of mine was the Hunan Steamed Fish. I've never used one of those bamboo steamers before but boy are they really handy! After marinating the fish for a while the chunks went into the steamer on a dinner plate. Six minutes later they were done and we were tucking in! So succulent and delicate.

Discover China at Donnybrook Fair Cookery School

Xinjiang Lamb, Sichuan Fried Green Beans and Gong Bao Chicken. 

Other dishes included Xinjiang Lamb with Cumin and Red Onion, Sichuan Fried Green Beans and Gong Bao Chicken. They were all relatively easy to make and really, really tasty. The big advantage of the demonstration for me was the deciphering of all the ingredients! Julie encouraged us to sniff and inspect each one. Thanks to an influx of Chinese immigrants all are readily available in the different Asian supermarkets around Dublin.

Robert demonstrates his wok skills while Julie gives the commentary! Robert was very ably assisted by Marie.

The demonstration was a great way to learn about something I knew nothing about. It's given me the confidence to try different Chinese dishes in restaurants and to even cook some for myself. I'm looking forward to trying out some more demos, I'm already excited about Exploring Asia on the 27th of March and All about Bacon with Niamh Shields on the 30th of April. There are lots more classes on their website, have a look here.

I'm currently in the middle of doing a wine tasting course in the cookery school. Tonight is the second lesson and the first one was so much fun. Everything I already knew about wine was turned on its head and I'm learning again from the beginning! I'll let you know how I get on; all I'll say for now is that I'm taking my studies very seriously!
Donnybrook Fair
89 Morehampton Road
Dublin 4
01 668 3556