
By None

Given the way things are escalating in the Church these days, particularly in the United States, the following needs to be said:

On the left, we have seen and keep on seeing ever-increasing efforts toward establishing a “Catholic Spring,” in an attempt to widen the narrow pathway and bring the Church in line with the postmodern world. Meanwhile, on the right, we are seeing a rapidly escalating regressive movement toward pre-Vatican I and Council of Trent norms, in reaction to the left’s efforts. In both instances, clerics and laypeople are involved. Furthermore, all this is being said and done “in the name of the Catholic faith” or to “defend the real faith and the true Church.” However, none of it is the Will of God.

God never wills the death of human persons or inciting violence against others in His name – not even to defend the faith and His Church. This because Christ paid the price for people’s sins with His Blood through the Crucifixion. That is why the Old Testament punishments became obsolete, as soon as the Temple curtain was ripped apart upon Christ’s death on the Cross and the New Testament came into being.

Christ came to lay down His life for others, not to kill them, and there is only one Way to God the Father – and that is Jesus Christ. This is true for the baptized and the unbaptized, the believer and the non-believer. It should thus be noted that whoever is stating that the best way to defend the faith and the Church is to carry out an act of violence, is not speaking in accordance with the Will of God. It is scandalous that this even needs to be said, given that the origin of such speech is forthcoming from those who have been more than abundantly catechized in the Catholic faith.

Hence, discern carefully every single thing you hear, see, or read. For whoever speaks in the above-referenced manner is going directly against the Will of God. This even though their speech may be forthcoming under the guise of praying publicly, preaching the gospel, and leading people to God.