Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Posted on the 30 October 2015 by Jezebel282

Everyone knows by now that these were mailed to nearly every residence in Stratford. In all the time of editing this blog and decades of residing in this town, we have never seen anything as desperate or disgusting.

What follows below are the names of the individuals and companies that funded (and continue to fund) this disgusting piece of politics at its lowest. They are all individually and collectively supporters of the Vote Yes Pay Less Political Action Committee. We are particularly stunned and appalled at the involvement of Stratford’s top public safety officials.

Tom Molloy
John Dobos
John Frey
Brian Albenze
Robert McGrath
Ronald Ing
Christopher Pia
John Harkins
Michael Mauzerall
Tim Bishop
Randy Vidal
Thomas D’Aulizio
David Fuller
Lou DeCilio
Patricia Gallagher
Joseph McNeil
Laurence Condon
Brian Oliver
Edmund Oliver
Thomas Cotter
William Harrigan
Michael Ryan
Patrick Gribbon
Laura & Paul Hoydick
John Florek
Frederick Hyatt
David Dunn
Paul Antinozzi
Patrick Rodenhour
Andrew Testo
Mike Henrick
Thomas Brattaglia
Rosati & Rosati
Winthrop Woods Developers
Burns Construction
Good Erath Tree Core Inc
N&S Electric
The Carlsen Company
Aircraft Facilities Group LLC
Mt Showerdoor Inc
Vimini Valmation Services
Bridgeport Fittings Inc
Main St Mortgage
Mitchell & Sheahan
Barnum Wine & Spirits
Day Smith Steele LLC
Karen Kaiser