Dirty Local Politics and Mean Tweets

By Expatmum @tonihargis
Good Lord, it's been a while. And yes, I'm still heavily involved in local politics. My skin is growing thicker every day. Soon it will resemble a handbag instead of a human epidermis. It's amazing what being insulted on a daily basis will do for your tolerance levels.
I don't give a hoot.
I didn't actually ever care what the insulters thought of me, but the retorts I should have used, the brilliant responses I came up with too late, kept me up at night. And then I realized that, like many passionately debated issues these days, there's very little listening going on. Everyone's just trying to get the other side to agree with them, and their preferred method is either SHOUTING or hurling insults. Now, if someone posts a really nasty reply, I just leave it there. Hanging.
It's very liberating, this not caring. It's not that I don't read their comments if they leave anything of worth. If someone says my candidate's not doing this or that, I think about it. Most of the time whatever they're accusing my candidate of doing is exactly the same as what their's is doing too. Sigh. My most oft-used phrase at the moment is "double standards".
If I were really famous, I'd probably do what these celebs do - Read out the worst Tweets about myself.
Even the President's in on the act, and lord knows, he's on the receiving end of some of the dirtiest politics we've seen in a long time.

You've just gotta laugh sometimes.