Direct Energy — The People Have Spoken!

Posted on the 16 March 2012 by Thegtapatriot @thegtapatriot

Well the people have definitely spoken, forcing Direct Energy stop changes to contracts. It’s was definitely a hard pill to swallow, but one that had to be done nonetheless. I imagine that we will see another iteration from Direct Energy, however we will have to see. Direct Energy has a legitimate issue, however they were penalizing the wrong people. Year’s ago we used to complain about Direct Energy reps coming to our door and trying to convince us to change our gas provider. At that time there were enough complaints to change the practices of solicitors coming to our door. What Direct Energy should do is get the government to stop the practice of companies coming to our doors with deceptive practices. Hopefully we will see a resolve to this situation sometime soon.

Other articles:–direct-energy-scraps-controversial-new-contracts-amid-customer-uproar