Dinosaur Eggs

By Sarahcraftylocks

These special dinosaur eggs are from the little known Papersaurus Rex. The eggs are famous for being many patterened, multi-colored and sometimes even covered in glitter.

Dinosaur Eggs Cover a balloon with strips of newspaper. We tore strips of paper long enough to go around the balloon and glued the ends to each other with wallpaper paste. Then we criss crossed the strips over these pieces and kept building the layers up to about three or four newsprint layers.

Dinosaur Eggs The final layer is photocopy paper – it is nice and strong and is also white, which makes a great base for painting on.

Dinosaur Eggs Then have fun making up some patterns and designs for what a dinosaur egg could have looked like.

Dinosaur Eggs These eggs are all resting in our cat bed, waiting for the right time to hatch, or in the case of one of ours – sat on and squashed!