Dino Dana #bookreview #pebbleinwaterswrites #books #bookchatter @blogchatter #tbrchallenge

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Dino Dana: Dino Field Guide: Pterosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures! (Dinosaurs for Kids, Science Book for Kids, Fossils, Prehistoric) by J.J. Johnson, Colleen Russo Johnson, and Christin Simms is one of the best nature/science books for kids, this is one of those to grab. There are very few books about Dinosaurs that kids find so interesting. This, you can call as a prehistoric animal encyclopedia for kids simply because it carries superb facts about dinosaurs, fossils, and prehistoric era along with photo glossary, size explanations, multiple DIY exercises and so on. Kids will gain a good amount of knowledge about Dinosaur in terms of which was the first Dinosaur and gradually how Dinosaurs evolved. Kids have a very different style of learning. Their learning involves a lot of engagement. Otherwise, they get bored easily and lose interest in learning. This book ensures every aspect of that.

Dino Dana #bookreview #pebbleinwaterswrites #books #bookchatter @blogchatter #tbrchallenge

Dino Dana: Dino Field Guide: Pterosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures! (Dinosaurs for Kids, Science Book for Kids, Fossils, Prehistoric) by J.J. Johnson, Colleen Russo Johnson, and Christin Simms is a fascinatingly crafted book to introduce dinosaur fossils to kids. Illustrations are well suited for each and probably the best. Facts have been mentioned in a very interesting manner. Experiments for the kids have been chosen quite mindfully, intending to provide the best of the knowledge in the subject. This proves to be one of the best way to get a closer look into the world of paleontology. It is, in fact, a fabulous thought-provoking book for kids. The colorful world of those amazing creatures that once were most powerful with huge capabilities to fly through the sky, swim in the oceans, and survive on land is very insightful for kids, especially, those interested in knowing more about Dinosaurs.

 Dino Dana: Dino Field Guide: Pterosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures! (Dinosaurs for Kids, Science Book for Kids, Fossils, Prehistoric) by J.J. Johnson, Colleen Russo Johnson, and Christin Simms is a fascinating book full of Dino facts.

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